Ashbourne & District Camera Club
Ashbourne Show Photography Competition
Entries are invited into our free to enter public photographic competition. This is an open competition and entries can be on any theme.
Put your image/s (maximum 2 entries per person) in an envelope and leave in the collection box at The Queen's Vaults by Thursday 17th
August or bring to our marquee on the showground before 11am on
Saturday 19th August.
Your image can be any size up to A4
Please ensure all images are clearly marked on the back with:
• Image title
• Photographer's name
• Photographer's age
• Contact number for show day
Entries will be judged at 11:30am at Ashbourne Show on Saturday 19th
August and will be on display throughout the day in our marquee and winners will be announced at 3pm.
Prizes will be awarded to each age group as follows:
• Infant/primary - 11 years and under
• Secondary - 12 to 18 years
• Adult (over 18 years)
For more information visit our website
or email
** Image used on this page is called " Topsy Turvey " by Peter Edge **